When I received my very first energy healing session, it changed my life and I really believe that if you are open to the process, energy healing can have tremendous outcomes. Most people experience a range of benefits from simple relaxation, to energy alignment, all the way through to deep metaphysical understanding of their lives.
These are 5 ways that I think Energy Healing Helps:
1. Stillness – Working with energy creates a unique field surrounding you that affects your aura. The stress of daily living can distract even the best meditation practitioners. Setting an intention for the healing session creates an opportunity for you to create a mindful stillness, where you can separate from those concerns, if only for a short period of time, and find peace through doing one simple thing – just existing.
2. Reflection – There is an insight that emerges during an energy healing session or sometimes immediately following it. This perspective is often uncharted, yet somehow familiar. Perhaps this fresh viewpoint comes from your soul, or from the energies that you suspect have surrounded you for your whole life. Energy healing allows you to discover what happens when you nourish your soul.
3. Physical Connection – The healer who is providing your session is your guide through this process. For many people, the connection and support that they receive from a lightworker takes them to a safe, peaceful place of connection on a level that they may not otherwise experience.
4. Relaxation – What happens when we fully relax? Energy healing produces a very special kind of peace. Your cells will drink it in. Your physiological systems will recognize and delight in this particular state of relaxation, and your spirit will finally work toward true stillness and relaxation.
5. Other Worldliness – There is more in the world that connects us than separates us. Energy healing in particular helps attune its recipients to the energies and frequencies that align every living thing. Simply exploring an energy healing session means that your spirit has awoken. The intention to devote resources to connecting your spirit with those higher vibrations will open a whole new world of understanding for you.